Welcome to Jordan Aerial Photography! Thanks for stopping by. I just wanted to take a minute to let you know who I am and what I do. Since elementary school, I have loved photography. I had an old Kodak point and shoot using 126 mm film. It was not much of a camera, but it took photos, and I was happy until my 8th grade trip to our state capital. The photos there were, well, horrible. Bad lighting and no real control over the camera.
After seeing the bad images that came from that trip, I started complaining to my parents until they bought me my first 35 mm camera, a Minolta X700 with a 50 mm lens. I eventually got a 70-300 zoom lens and loved it. I tried to see what all I could take with it. From a long exposure shot from somewhere near the top of the Gault House overlooking the interstate to some long-range football shots at Riverfront Stadium at a Bengals game.
I have also always had a love for technology. I used one of the first computers Radio Shack ever put out, a Model 1, and was always able to pick up new technology quickly. So, when drones started coming out, I was always fascinated with them. So last year, I broke down and order a DJI Mini 2 and have enjoyed using it to take photos and videos and decided to use it to start my own business.
During college, I majored in Journalism. I had to take two photojournalism classes where I was taught how to use photos to tell stories. After graduating, I worked for a couple of newspapers in different roles including being the chief photographer for a small daily paper in Central Ky.
I am starting out doing real estate, both residential and commercial properties but will take a look at any project you may want aerial photos and/or videos for. I can even take progression photos and videos of any construction project so you can show the progress made over a period of time.
Currently, my gear consists of my DJI Mini 2 and my regular camera gear is a Canon RP mirrorless camera with a variety of lenses. Over time, I will be upgrading all of my gear to provide even better service to my customers. So if you need a quote on some work, hit the contact me button, and let’s talk.