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Increase your listing’s visibility with our new Floor Plan service

Nov 30, 2022 | News

Real Estate Floor Plan


In addition to our regular drone photography and video services, we are now offering floor plan layouts. This is a great option for real estate and construction companies who want to give their customers a better idea of the layout of a property or project. During the photo shoot, I will scan the house and generate a floor plan for you to add to your MLS listing.

Why use a floor plan in your listing?

  1. Home buyers consider floor plans the most desired feature on a home listing, just after the standard listing photos and property data (NAR research).
  2. Stand out from the competition by providing a free marketable floor plan on-site to your client.
  3. Reduce time on the market by up to 50% by adding a floor plan to your listing.
  4. Easy to create marketing asset for the property with only 5-min on site.
  5. Increase click-throughs from buyers by 52% by including a floor plan in a real estate listing. (source:

A floor plan is the second most desired feature in your listings

For home buyers, floor plans are one of the most important factors to consider when looking at a home listing. After all, the floor plan will dictate how the home is laid out and how much space is available. That’s why it’s no surprise that listings with floor plans are often more popular than those without. If you’re in the real estate or construction business, understanding this customer need is critical to success.

Stand out from the rest of the crowd

If you’re in the business of selling or leasing real estate, then you know that standing out from the competition is key. You need to be able to offer your clients something that they can’t get anywhere else. That’s where I come in. I specialize in providing a free marketable floor plan for your listing. This way, your potential buyers can see exactly what their potential new home or office space will look like. So if you’re looking for a way to stand out from the competition, give us a call today.

Reduce your time on market

Our floor plan service can help you reduce the time your property spends on the market. Our floor plans are accurate and detailed, so potential buyers can get a good sense of the layout and size of your property. By adding a floor plan to your listing, you can make your property more attractive to buyers and help move the sale along more quickly.

Time is Money

If you’re in the real estate or construction business, you know that marketing your properties can be a time-consuming and expensive process. But with our easy-to-use platform, you can create beautiful marketing assets in just 5 minutes – without even leaving the property! So whether you’re trying to sell a home, lease a commercial space, or promote a new development, we can help you save time and money.

Increase the visibility of your listing

You know that click-through rates are important. A recent study showed that including a floor plan in a real estate listing can increase click-throughs by 52%. That’s why I offer floor plan services to our customers. I’ll help you create a detailed and accurate floor plan of your property, so you can attract more buyers and close more deals.

If you’re looking to increase your listing’s visibility, our new Floor Plan service is a great way to do it. With our high-quality floor plans, you can give potential buyers a clear idea of your property’s layout and size. Contact me today to learn more about this service and how it can benefit you. You can also go to our Real estate services page fo current pricing

Want to talk about your next project?

Click the button below and conact me to discuss your next project and
see how aerial photos can benefit your next project. .

Phone Number

‪(859) 354-4348‬


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